Legal Notice
Information pursuant to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Eckernförde Touristik & Marketing GmbH
Am Exer 1
24340 Eckernförde
Represented by:
Managing Director Stefan Borgmann
Tel.: 04351 - 71790
Fax: 04351 - 6282
E-mail: info@ostseebad-eckernfoerde.de
Registry entry:
Entered in the commercial registry
Registry court: Kiel
Register number: HRB 74 EC
VAT identification number pursuant to §27 (a) of the Value Added Tax Law: DE201616503
Supervisory authority:
Stadt Eckerförde
Information on professional liability insurance:
Name and location of the company:
Kommunaler Schadenausgleich
Responsible for the content in accordance with Section 55 para. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
Eckernförde Touristik & Marketing GmbH
Sources for the images and graphics used:
Ostsee Holstein Tourismus e.V.
Tourismus Agentur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Layout and programming:
SECRA GmbH, Sierksdorf
Exclusion of liability (disclaimer)
Liability for content
In accordance with Section 7 par. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we – as the service provider – are responsible for ensuring that our own content on this site complies with general laws. Pursuant to Sections 8 to 10 TMG, however, we are not obliged as the service provider to monitor transferred or stored information of third parties or investigate circumstances that suggest illegal activity. The obligations to remove or block the use of information under general laws remain unaffected. Liability in this regard is only possible from the date of knowledge of a specific legal violation. Upon gaining knowledge of such legal violations, we shall remove this content immediately.
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Our website contains links to external websites whose content is beyond our control. Therefore, we cannot accept any responsibility for that external content. The respective site provider or operator is always responsible for the content of any linked sites. The linked sites were checked for possible violations of the law at the time of linking. No illegal content was identified at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the content of the linked sites without a concrete indication of a legal violation is unreasonable. Upon gaining knowledge of legal violations, we shall remove such links immediately.
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Funding information

Funding information
The two HD live cameras which show live images of the Eckernförde beach and harbor in the “Webcams” section were financed with funds from AktivRegion Hügelland am Ostseestrand e.V. We would like to say thank you for the support.
Interesting links
Tourist information
- Ostsee-Holstein-Tourismus e.V.
Website: www.ostsee-schleswig-holstein.de - Tourismusagentur Schleswig-Holstein
Website: www.sh-tourismus.de - Tourist-Information Kiel
Website: www.kiel-sailing-city.de - Tourist-Information Nord-Ostsee-Kanal
Website: www.tinok.de - Tourist-Information Schleswig
Website: www.ostseefjordschlei.de - Tourist-Information Waabs (Schwansen)
Website: www.ostseefjordschlei.de
Tourist links
- Farm cafés in Schleswig-Holstein
Website: www.lksh.de/verbraucher/land-erleben-geniessen/bauernhofcafes-festscheunen - Eckernförde travel guide
Website: www.stadtfuehrung-eckernfoerde.de - Fahrradverleih Eckernförde (bicycle hire)
Website: www.fahrradverleih-eckernfoerde.de - Feinheimisch – products from Schleswig-Holstein
Website: www.feinheimisch.de - Meerwasser Wellenbad & Sauna Hot Spot
Website: www.meerwasser-wellenbad.de - Ostsee Info-Center Eckernförde
Website: www.ostseeinfocenter.de - Schleswig-Holstein is(s)t lecker
Website: www.schleswig-holstein-isst-lecker.de - Schleswig-Holstein portal
Website: www.schleswig-holstein.de - Municipal utilities/harbor Eckernförde
Website: www.stadtwerke-eckernfoerde.de
- Aalregatta Eckernförde
Website: www.aalregatta.de - Eckernförder Sprottentage
Website: Sprottentage - Kieler Woche
Website: www.kieler-woche.de - Christmas market Eckernförde
Website: www.eckernfoerder-weihnachtsmarkt.de
Cultural links
- Kulturnetz Schleswig-Holstein
Website: www.kultur.schleswig-holstein.de - Ostseeorchester Schwedeneck
Website: www.ostsee-orchester.de - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival
Website: www.shmf.de - Stadthalle Eckernförde
Website: www.stadthalle-eckernfoerde.de - Volkshochschule Eckernförde
Website: www.vhs-eckernfoerde.de - Volkshochschule Küste Dänischer Wohld
Website: www.vhs-daenischenhagen.de/ - PeterTV - Die kleine Kultursendung
Website: www.petertv.de
Political links
- Stadt Eckernförde
Website: www.eckernfoerde.de - Amt Dänischenhagen
Website: www.amt-daenischenhagen.de - Dänischer Wohld
Website: www.daenischer-wohld.de - Amt Hüttener Berge
Website: www.amt-huettener-berge.de - Gemeinde Schwedeneck
Website: www.schwedeneck.de - Gemeinde Strande
Website: www.strande.de - Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde
Website: www.kreis-rendsburg-eckernfoerde.de
Sustainable links
- Fairtrade Towns
Website: www.fairtrade-towns.de - Stiftung Klimawald
Website: www.stiftung-klimawald.de
Partner links
- Aktivregion Hügelland am Ostseestrand
Website: www.aktivregion-hao.de - Stadtmarketing Eckernförde
Website: www.stadtmarketingeckernfoerde.de - Booking platforms
In our booking system we work with large booking platforms such as e-domizil, casamundo, BestFeWo, Holiday Insider and tourist-online, etc.
Website: e-domizil
Website: casamundo
Website: BestFeWo
Website: Holiday Insider
Website: tourist-online